Malaria No More

A critical business communication element, often left unguarded with respect to brand compliance, is the lowly Powerpoint presentation. True, Powerpoint is seriously limited as a design platform, but it’s still the de facto business presentation software and should, therefore, be developed through a brand experience filter.

This can be challenging. First, presentations are typically produced by many individuals within a company, with the focus typically on the content, with little attention paid to how or even whether the information is being presented within acceptable brand guidelines. This issue is compounded by the wide range in types of information that one finds in any single presentation — text, photographs, illustrations, bulleted copy, headlines, captions, charts, graphs, and video.

This was the case with Malaria No More. Because they have offices and employees around the world, their presentations were, likewise, all over the map, with little overall style direction and far too much content jammed onto single slides — all issues they were hoping to solve.

We designed a Powerpoint template system consisting of 60 different page styles, from which 18 were selected for the final package. These provide a distinct brand appearance and offer a flexible style palette to address different types of information, while still maintaining a unified look and feel.

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