10,000 Hours

Time is a force with which the winemaking process has an intimate relationship. It takes time to grow, harvest and ferment the grapes, of course, and wine mellows and becomes smoother when aged. Even geologic time — a force exerted over thousands of years — plays a significant role, having moved and shaped the Earth in ways that have left certain glorious regions with soils perfectly cast for extraordinary wine making.

There’s also a theory that says to become truly accomplished at something (karate, painting, the cello) it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice. This holds true for winemaking, as well, is the premise behind Aquilini’s 10,000 Hours brand, and is proven by the decades of dedication to craft and perfection of technique that this label’s winemaker and vineyard manager bring to the making of 10,000 Hours. This theme is carried throughout the website and is introduced with a looped video on the home page banner.

Note: Because the home page video is looped, as it is on the 10,000 Hours website, we have not included a music bed so as not to annoy site visitors. Thus, no music will play when viewing the video.

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