I sound like a parrot, “Mobile, mobile, mobile.”
Not just because I repeat myself, but also as I am imitating Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, who said exactly that about the YouTube strategy going forward. A sampling of yesterday’s news attests to mobiles continued and expanding relevance. Our view is that, if you aren’t committed to making your website and your marketing not just mobile-friendly, but also mobile-engaging … you are leaving a large percentage of your audience in the, er, digital dust.
YouTube CEO looks to mobile future, music service.
YouTube’s top three priorities moving forward are “mobile, mobile, mobile,” CEO Susan Wojcicki said. Fully half of YouTube’s views are now from mobile devices, and they are exploring acquisitions to further their mobile appeal, Wojcicki noted. TechCrunch (7/13)
Mobile will drive ad spend over the next 5 years.
Marketers will be rushing to follow consumers to mobile devices over the next five years, according to a report by BI Intelligence. The report identifies mobile as the fastest-growing ad channel over the next five years and projects digital-video ad spending will grow faster than spending on search and display. Business Insider (7/13)
What’s a minute of a mobile user’s time worth? $10.80, survey says.
Mobile users say the value of engaging with advertising on their mobile devices should be valued at $10.80 per minute for marketers, according to several recent studies. 80% of respondents said they accept the business model of ad-backed applications and mobile content … for a “price”. App Developer Magazine online (7/13)